Our Advisors


Brian Vineyard, MPA

Ian Drackert, MA

 Victoria Lobato, MA

Supervisor, Academic AdvisementSenior Academic AdvisorSenior Academic Advisor



Primary advisor for student
athletes in our program
Primary advisor for Graduation
Project students in our program


Make An Appointment

LAIS Advisors are available for in-person and Zoom appointments. As you schedule an appointment, please read the instructions of how your meeting will be conducted.

All appointments are made in LoboAchieve

LoboAchieve Appointments Explained

If you are currently an active UNM student but not currently a LAIS student, you will need to click on the "Advising Offices" tab and "Search Advising Office" to manually search for "UCAC" (University College Advising Center).  Please only schedule with one of the LAIS Advisors listed above.   

If you are a perspective or returning student without a current UNM NetID, you may also access LoboAchieve using the "non-UNM sign in" option and creating an account.  Please do not create an account if you have an existing/active UNM NetID, or have recently been accepted to UNM and just need to setup a NetID (which may be done via this link: https://netid.unm.edu/).  If you have an active NetID but have simply forgotten your password please see this link to reset: https://netid.unm.edu/change-my-password/i-forgot-my-password.html