Concentration in Military Studies




Undergraduate Degree Concentration

The concentration in Military Studies provides the opportunity for students to develop a unique program of study combining courses from three or more University of New Mexico departments and/or colleges including at least two ROTC branches. This concentration is available to all students and does not necessarily lead to a military commission. No official minor is required to be declared with this concentration, but the use of an existing departmental minor is encouraged (excluding the Military Studies minor options).

Graduation Requirements
Students must receive a grade of “C” or higher in all the following requirements:

  1. Completion of 10 courses selected from the following with at least 15 hours completed at the upper-division level:
        • AFAS: 120, 121, 250, 251, 300, 301, 400, 401
        • MLSL: 101, 102, 201, 202, *301, 302, *401, *402
        • NVSC: 101, 105, 201, 300, 303, 304, 331, 401, 407, 431
    All courses cannot come from the same subject.

    2. Completion of 6 additional hours from the following:
        • AFAS 325 Air Force ROTC Directed Studies
        • AMST 350 T: US War on Terror
        • ENGL 2210 Professional and Technical Communication
          or ENGL 2220 Introduction to Professional Writing
        • GEOG 1165 People and Place
        • HIST 309 The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815
        • HIST 311 World War I, 1914-1918
        • HIST 313 World War II and Reconstruction in Europe
        • HIST 331 The American Revolution, 1763-1789
        • HIST 334 The Civil War Era
        • HIST 349 Military History of the United States to 1900
        • HIST 350 Modern U.S. Military History, 1900 to Present
        • HIST 440 Atomic America
        • HLED 2996 T: Introduction to Emergency Management and Preparedness
        • MLSL 303 Military History of the United States
        • PCST 1110 Introduction to Peace Studies
        • PCST 306 Peace and Conflict
        • PCST 307 Nonviolent Alternatives
        • POLS 441 Civil Wars
        • RELG 1110 Introduction to World Religions
        • SUST *418 Nuclear New Mexico: Environmental and Social Impacts
        • UHON 401 Honors Seminar: Post War Studies: Iraq
    Or other courses approved by the Advisor such as topics.

    3. Completion of one of the following five options:

    I. Completion of 12 or more additional hours from requirement 2 above.

    II. Completion of a second (non-English) language at the 4th semester-level or the ACTFL Intermediate-mid equivalent.
        • Suggested: Arabic, Chinese, French, or Russian

    III. Completion of 12 hours from the following:
        • GEOG **381L Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
        • GEOG *481L Map Design and Geovisualization
        • GEOG 483L Remote Sensing Fundamentals
        • GEOG 484L Applications of Remote Sensing
        • GEOG 485L Internet Mapping
        • GEOG 486L Applications of GIS
        • GEOG 487L Spatial Analysis and Modeling
        • GEOG 488L GIS Concepts and Techniques

    IV. Completion of 12 hours in Computer Science

    V. Completion of 12 hours of college level courses from the following departments: Physics & Astronomy (PHYS/PHYC 1230 or above, or any ASTR course), Chemistry (1120C or above), Mathematics & Statistics (MATH 1220 or above, or any STAT course)


Sample degree roadmap